Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Late Halloween n' Stuff

Now that our camera and our computer are both functioning as they were intended to we will be updating our 'Blog Of Awesomeness!!!' rather frequently because we are constantly taking pictures of random events and just plain daily life goodness.

Here are a few pictures of our family pumpkins n' stuff.


Please allow yourself to enjoy our three-headed-pumpkin featuring StrongSad, Homestarrunner, and Da Cheat. Oh yeah and n' stuff too.


A little featured closeup headshot of Homestarrunner with the flash on n' stuff. This is his prison face!


The StrongSad and Homestarrunner with the flash off and a sweetly mysterious glow that is coming from behind their heads. Kinda creepy I know but that's how these Jack-o'-lanterns roll! The n' stuff is hiding in this picture.

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And here is our littlest punkin' Jack-o'-stinker n' stuff.

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