Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Autumn Pictures

While paying rent Jolynn saw a pile of leaves and decided to throw are kids into them. The pictures actually turned out really nice.


What a B-E-A-Utiful little girl we have. Jack loves posing for pictures and cameras.


This is how are kids always are, quietly sitting and behaving themselves! What can we say, that's some good parenting!!


Of course little boys must throw leaves, that's just what little boys do.


Cam really didn't want to take pictures so this is the only semi-good one that she got. He is growing up so fast.
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Austin and Abrielle said...

I love it! Your kids are getting so big!

Ben and Em said...

Your babies are so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love pictures. Have a good one. See you at thanksgiving!

Heidi said...

Your kids are getting so big! We NEED to get together soon.