Wednesday, September 24, 2008

In hopes that all might see.

Which party blocked significant reform in 2005 to prevent Fannie and Freddie from assuming extremely high-risk mortgages in excess of $300+ billion? Demoracts.

Which U.S. Senator accepted more than $125,000 in donations from Freddie and Fannie and helped tie up partisan support to prevent the aforementioned reform? B. Hussein Obama.

You trust this guy with the U.S. economy? He blames the housing meltdown on Republicans' deregulation policy. Yet, when Republicans realized that quasi-governmental entities (Fannie and Freddi) were assuming high-risk, subprime mortgage liabilities larger than most countries' annual GDP, the Democrats stepped in to protect their loyal contributors and blocked all efforts for meaningful reform. Their blunder has cost American taxpayers $1 trillion and left tens of thousands unemployed.

See also:

Authored by Brandon Stoker on his facebook.


Ben and Em said...

Hey cameron talk about unpersonal i think you should put pictures of your family. They are way cuter than words. FYI

Austin and Abrielle said...

I agree. I wanna see baby Cam and lil' Jack... and maybe your wife, please??