Friday, November 21, 2008

The Updates!

My sweet wife has been after me for some time to get pictures on our blog and recently I actually did!!! However, if we were to post from this day forward only current pictures, we would be forgetting a lot of good times. Therefore, we have decided to update all of our pictures since Jack was born. (We plan on alternating new and old stuff every other post so it's won't be all old stuff all the time.) Once we get that caught up we will start back at good ole' 28 April 2006!!

And there ya have it.
Look how itty bitty she was! She came out so little and so squishable she would have fit into a soccer ball!

She has always been a cutie!

I put her by this regular sized Book of Mormon so we can remember just how miraculous our little girl was.

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Mommy almost fell victim to our bedtime routine! She was and is such a trooper when it comes to keeping a smile through sleep deprivation!

Cam has always been a snuggler and he loved his baby sister from the start.

He always wanted to get in and swing with her sooo bad. Sometimes he got his way before we could catch him!

You can't see the wall but we pumped up the air mattress and watched movies projected on our big wall.

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Here we caught him getting his way and swinging with Jack. Once the picture was taken he quickly retreated!

This is my attempt at being a good photographer. I think she looks like a little lion cub with paws way too big for her body.

Cam loved pulling all of the pots out and banging them together. Sometimes he would just pull them out because he didn't think mommy had enough to do!

He's about fourteen months here. Both of our kids love wearing hats. Cam likes to put random things on his head, like balls; bananas; laptops, and call them hats.

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One of the best family pictures we have, how sad is that! I believe this was taken during our Thursday night 'the Office' ritual.

Oh no!!! We can't find her head!!! Just look how tiny she was!!!

Cam followed a trail of 'Starburst' jelly beans all the way to his Easter basket at G-Ma Welcker's house. A sucker for 'tandy' just like his mother!

We enjoy going on walks as a family which usually end up like this.

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Jolynn wanted a picture from further back so one could discern that they were in a stroller.

"It burns, it burns!!!" This is one of the first times we let him eat spaghetti by himself.

"Don't look at me, I'm hideous!"

Cam gave Jack a kiss the first time he saw her and has been doing it ever since. It's coo because that's just his disposition, he always has love to share.

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Let's be honest the bow is down right frightening!!! I think it's child abuse but Jolynn loves bows.

We absolutely love this one because she is always sticking out her tongue and playing with it.

Better color, same horrible child abusing bow!!!

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This is a perfect depiction of Jack. She is beautifully concerned, and slightly annoyed, about everything!


Bryan and Amanda Russ said...

cute cute kiddos. I love the new pics. We especially appreciated the Homestarrunner pumpkin and old man costume...Bryan thinks he may copy next year. I can't believe how big your babies are....WOW.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Amy said...

They are too cute. I love the pics.